从Paulo Coelho的新浪微博(有助手Yan打理)看到了这篇《保罗柯艾略答中国读者十问》,感兴趣的不妨看看。让我最有感触的是最后一个问题的话题和回答。
10] I will sit and wait. This feeling will go away sooner or later. Instead of trying to "occupy” my time to make myself believe that I am useful, I will be patient. If I can’t see the road ahead, it is because the dust in my eyes. While I wait, the wind or the rain will clean this dust, and I will be able to walk again.
-遇见心想事成的自己- says:
If you look a star, it is always exploding, and that’s why its light is so beautiful. So, instead of looking for balance, I tend to accept contradictions as part of my life, and I learned how to live with them. —-好有哲理的一句话 经常挂在嘴边 生活和工作要平衡 其实根部就没法区分什么才是真正的生活 什么才是真正的工作 原来他们是矛盾又和谐的共同体 。。。我要做的只是 敞开心扉 接受它 欣赏它 。。生活就会很美好 工作就会有价值。 小英 姐姐 你觉得呢 ? 呵呵
小英的智慧点心坊 says: