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#108 The Power of Myth 神话的力量 (下)

#108 The Power of Myth 神话的力量 (上)

6. 你觉我做得到吗?


I don’t know. Can you endure ten years of disappointment with nobody responding to you, or are you thinking that you are going to write a best seller the first crack? If you have the guts to stay with the thing you really want, no matter what happens, well, go ahead.

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找到你的宝藏,活出你的传奇—读 The Alchemist (中)



找到你的宝藏,活出你的传奇—读 The Alchemist (上)
2. 梦想的代价

Paulo Coelho在书中并没有回避一个现实——梦想是有代价的。事实上他一早就通过智慧老人之口告诉少年“生命中的每一件事都必须付出代价的(every thing is life has its price)”。为了让少年理解,老人还特地向他要了十分之一的羊。


Coelho 在一篇文章中说光有梦想是不够的,还要足够勇敢,能为之付出代价 (be brave enough to pay the price of it)。

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