智慧点心坊: 点亮和滋养心灵!

Wisdom Snack: Igniting & nourishing the soul!原创心灵驿站!


本文为【哈佛幸福课推荐书】—The How of Happiness 读书笔记之一

Sonja认为如同锻炼身体,需要人们为之付出持续不断的努力。要改善我们的幸福,也需要我们每天不懈的努力和投入。但她保证对于提高幸福的投入有可能是一个人这辈子所做的最有回报的事情 (the most rewarding work you will ever do)。她解释道:


In sum, across all the domains of life, happiness appears to have numerous positive by-products that few of us have taken the time to really understand. In becoming happier, we not only boost experiences of joy, contentment, love, pride, and awe but also improve other aspects of our lives: our energy levels, our immune systems, our engagement with work and with other people, and our physical and mental health. In becoming happier, we bolster as well our feelings of self-confidence and self-esteem; we come to believe that we are worthy human beings, deserving of respect. A final and perhaps least appreciated plus is that if we become happier, we benefit not only ourselves but also our partners, families, communities, and even society at large.






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Category: 小笔记
  • Athena娃 says:


    2012 年 04 月 11 日 at 09:45
    • 智慧点心坊-小英Sunny says:

      我记得于丹曾提起季羡林经常乐呵呵的,别人问他为什么总是这么高兴,他说:“不乐我多亏呀!” 。我们不幸福,也多亏呀!

      2012 年 04 月 16 日 at 20:26

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