本文为【哈佛幸福课推荐书】—Spark 读书笔记之三
The essence of physical education in Naperville 203 is teaching fitness instead of sports.The underlying philosophy is that if physical education class can be used to instruct kids how to monitor and maintain their own health and fitness, then the lessons they learn will serve them for life. And probably a longer and happier life at that. What’s being taught, really is a lifestyle.The students are developing healthy habits, skills, and a sense of fun, along with a knowledge of how their bodies work.
当我读到John Ratey的这段话的时候,不由拍桌赞叹“太对了!”,这句话直直地说到我心坎去了。之所以把这一大段话摘录并翻译放在这里,是因为它说得实在太在理了!!!
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